Te I Um
born in Seoul, Korea,
based in Bremen, Germany
Illustrator / Animator / Graphic Designer
I want to have fun, be happy and enjoy my life while dealing with this serious world. Through my work, I try to show the world that can be funny, happy, sad and serious at times. Having empathy is the best way to understand one another and make the world a better place. My goal as a creative is to share stories (by me and others) with people in order to generate a better understanding of human relationships. But the journey to understanding must not be too serious. Laugh at the face of adversity.
2019–2022 MA in Integrated Design, University of Art Bremen
2015–2019 BA in Integrated Design, University of Art Bremen
2009–2013 Freelance Illustrator in South Korea
2003–2007 BA in Cinema, Sangmyung university
Contact contact.teium@gmail.com